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  Name : Lachlan
Web Site :
Country : Peden
How you found us :
Comments : What upcoming dog shows are on the mid coast, do you guys associate with PSA or any detection sports
Date : 31-May-24

  Name : Leigh Stringer
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Recommended by a member
Comments : Filled out a contact form and never got a response.
Date : 25-Nov-22

  Name : Jacky
Web Site : http://www.vebopet.com.au
Country : Australia
How you found us : Show sponsorship
Comments : Regular sponsor for Championships show
Date : 18-Sep-18

  Name : Raelene
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments :
Date : 13-Feb-18

  Name : Debbie
Web Site : http://www.kundabunghall.com
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I am interested to see what shows are operating in the region, including dog shows.
Date : 28-Mar-16

  Name : Lyn McGrath
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : by word of mouth paws crossed animal rescue
Comments :
Date : 19-Jan-16

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